
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Colorado River Trip 2013 Thanksgiving Weekend

Its a family tradition. We spend the long Thanksgiving weekend on Ferguson Lake, along California side of the Colorado River in Imperial County. For a bit of history for this area, check out one of my previous trip reports here: Colorado River Trip, April 2013

There's quite a bit to do around here and I usually try to do a bit of everything; fishing, hunting, hiking, off-roading, and boating. We had four days off work so on Thursday morning we loaded up the Jeep and headed East to catch up with our other family members who had left a bit earlier. Once out past the mountains and into the desert we caught up with my parents and sister's family, each towing their jet boats. I sure miss the little aluminum fishing boat I had. One of these days I'll get another one.

Upon reaching the CA/AZ state line, we fueled up our vehicles and then made our way to Squaw Lake, were the boats would then make their way upriver to our cabin while the vehicles took the dirt road in.

While passing through El Centro, this large structure shows that we're actually below sea level.  

Finally catching up to our folks. I may need to remind them about the 55 mph limit while towing...

Launching the boats at Squaw Lake.

Information about this area can be found here: Squaw Lake Campground

Ferguson Lake Road (EC 800) is usually passable for just about any vehicle, but can become nearly impassable after heavy rainfall.

There were a few muddy spots along the road that didn't cause too much trouble.

 Arriving at the Imperial Valley Hunting & Fishing Club, or "Gun Club" as we call it.

The next four days we're spent relaxing and fishing. I managed to catch a few striped bass that ended up being deep fried and delicious.


I always love watching the sunrise over the lake while enjoying some coffee.

Much of our time was spent hanging out on one of the large sandbars, downriver.

Hanging out with family and friends.

Loaded up and heading back towards civilization.

Crossing the Ocean to Ocean Bridge, which was a critical link in joining the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans with the highway. The bridge was built across the Colorado River between Yuma, Arizona and Fort Yuma, California in 1914 for $76,000 and dedicated during a citywide celebration May 22-23, 1915. At the time of its opening, the bridge provided the first safe, economical crossing of the river at Yuma and it was the only vehicle bridge across the Colorado River for 1,200 miles.

Making our way home Sunday afternoon. It was time well spent with family and friends, and as always I look forward to our next trip to the river.

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