
Friday, November 7, 2014

November 2014 Colorado River Trip

My family and I spent the first weekend in November at our favorite place along the Colorado River, near Yuma, Arizona. I didn't do any hunting or fishing during this trip, just hung out and relaxed with family. I've got so many good memories here... looking forward to making many more. (Above photo: Boating along the river with Picacho Peak in the distance.)

We spent some time exploring the beautiful scenery, the rich history of the lower Colorado river, and the wildlife found in and near the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge, a natural flyway to thousands of migratory birds, is also home to a variety of wildlife, including bighorn sheep, burros, and deer. Along the riverbanks there is an abundance of history such as Indian petroglyphs dating back thousands of years, pioneer cabins abandoned a century ago, steamboat landings, and old mining towns.

Coming across some donkeys along the road on our way in Friday night. This was the only photo I was able to get before they wandered off into the brush.

Sunrise at Ferguson Lake.

Loading the little ones into my sister's and brother-in-law's jet boat Saturday morning for a trip upriver to the Eureka Mine and cabin.

The Eureka or "Riverview" Mine is located northwest of Yuma Arizona on the Colorado River about three miles downstream from California's Picacho State Recreation Area campground. Aptly named, the operation was just a few hundred yards from the river.

The mine began operation around 1875 and over the years had a production of 150 tons of ore containing Lead, Zinc, Silver and Gold. The mine workings include a shaft which appears to have recently been "bat grated", and several open cuts. Down the hillside from the shaft, are a wooden bin, a concrete foundation that may have supported a small stamp mill and a couple of cement pads.

The major attraction at the site is an old mine cabin that may date back to the mine's earliest days. It is a one-room stone building with a brush thatched roof. There are a variety of metallic relics around the cabin including several car parts.

View of the river, looking North above the cabin.

Hanging out at the local sandbar with Terry and Candace.

Our little man, enjoying his first river trip!

Baby girl, all tuckered out from playing in the water.

View of the Castle Dome Mountains in the distance from Martinez Lake on the Arizona side of the river.

The cabin we stay at on one of the backwater lakes along the Colorado River. 

We replaced some of the old furniture in the lounge/game room.

Steak and bacon-wrapped poppers were on the menu for dinner.

My parent's boat with some of their friends loaded into it.

I'm looking forward to teaching this little guy how to fish out here one day.

Terry had to jump in and clear the jet after it sucked up some weeds in the shallow backwaters of Ferguson Lake.

Its always a good time with this beautiful lady at my side.

All too soon, it was time to pack up and head home. We'll be back in a few weeks, over the long Thanksgiving weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's fantastic. Great sites too, if I may add. Landscapes that you can really only appraise well if you can truly explore them where they are, if you can wound and turn around their corners and areas, while you're being taken to those places by your boats and stuff. Thanks for giving us a real nice view, so we can have a strong impression enough to want to visit. All the best!

    Kent Garner @ Whites Marine Center
