
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Eagle Peak | Cleveland National Forest

Eagle Peak in San Diego County would mark the fifth outing for my 52 Hike Challenge. Perched among the headwaters of the San Diego River, the summit commands a 360-degree view of the surrounding watersheds. This relatively easy peak can usually be enjoyed in solitude since most of the crowds here head down to nearby Three Sisters Falls. The views of the surrounding area and into Boulder Creek from the top are definitely worth the trip.

"Standing tall amid lesser bumps on the west slope of the Cuyamaca Mountains, Eagle Peak has a view of the island-dimpled ocean, scattered parts of urban and suburban San Diego, and the higher mountains -- dominated by Cuyamaca Peak -- in the east. Hawks and golden eagles can sometimes be seen soaring on updrafts overhead. A recent proposal, advanced by Cleveland National Forest, aims to close the summit of Eagle Peak (plus two or three other county summits) to all visitation during the cooler months to encourage the nesting of birds of prey. This controversial proposal has not yet been implemented, but if it is, a visit to Eagle Peak during the prime hiking season -- winter and spring -- this year or maybe next, may be your last chance to do so." -Jerry Schad, Afoot & Afield In San Diego County

I always enjoy the view of San Diego's backcountry along Boulder Creek Road.

We've been in a bad drought, so I was happy to see water flowing across the Boulder Creek crossing here.

To say that the trail head was crowded would be an understatement. I've never seen more than 5 vehicles parked here... on this day there were around 30... even more when I finished.

From the parking spot at the hairpin turn in Boulder Creek Road, I followed the remains of an old ranch road due west for 0.7 mile to a saddle and trail junction, where a side trail to Three Sisters Waterfalls descends to the left. If there's been any recent rain, you can hear the sound of the falls, which lie beyond the next ridge to the south and down in the gorge of Boulder Creek.

I was bummed to see the gate to Cedar Creek Road was still closed. The forest service will usually close it when it rains.

There were quite a few planes flying overhead.

A little leftover mud from the recent rains.

This little grassy, oak-shaded area would make for a nice picnic.

Three Sisters Falls in the distance. The trail for this breaks off to the left up ahead.

Saving the trip to the falls for another occasion, I press on, climbing west along a brushy hillside for about another half mile.

I soon start descending into a vale shaded by live oaks. After a bit of descent on an increasingly poor trail, I noticed a shallow draw to the left (on ahead lies a pond, and possible sites for trail camping, such as this one I came across). 

Leaving the trail at this point, I work my way southwest, through brush and over boulders, to the ridge some 300 vertical feet above. Once atop the boulder-strewn ridge line, the view opens up to a heart-stopping dropoff to the south. Peering over the edge, I could see a silvery thread of water making its way amid the tree-lined gorge of Boulder Creek.

Eagle Peak's true summit, with a hiker's register on it, lies about 0.2 mile farther up the ridge, beyond a couple of false summits.

Obligatory, vertigo-inducing drop-off shot on the south side of the ridge.

Reaching the summit.

Boulder Creek & San Diego River junction with El Capitan Mountain in the distance.

A benchmark dated 1959, threatening a $250 fine or jail time for disturbing it.

The summit register.

After leaving a note, I took in more of the surrounding views before heading back.

 Ramona’s Four Corners area and the other trail leading down to Cedar Creek Falls in the distance.

Summit selfie!

Taking a little break on the way back.

Messing around with my camera-phone.

More vehicles parked near the trail head. The vast majority of the crowd here was heading to the falls. I was glad to have the summit all to myself.
Some mountain bikers were nice enough to take my photo.

Back to my Jeep at the trail head. It was another great day spent in San Diego's backcountry.

To Get There: From Interstate 8 , exit at Highway 79 ( the Descanso exit) and drive north. After 1.3 miles turn left on Riverside Drive. Turn left on Viejas Grade Road (there's a small market and gas station on the corner) and then turn right immediately on Oak Grove Drive. From there take Oak Grove Drive 1.6 miles to the intersection of Boulder Creek Road on the right. Follow Boulder Creek Road north for about 13.0 miles (the first half is paved and the rest is dirt) to a hairpin turn where unpaved Cedar Creek Road joins from the west. Park there, at the Eagle Peak and 3 Sisters Waterfall Trailhead taking care not to block traffic, and post an Adventure Pass on your car. (This hairpin turn and intersection can also be reached, by way of Engineers Road or Pine Hills Road to the north.)

Bring Lots of Water: This area can get really hot in the spring and summer... if you decide you want to go down to the falls you're going to need even more water as well.

Distance: 4.75 miles
Elevation Gain/Loss: 1300'/1300'

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